Julian Venice is famous not only for its breathtaking landscapes but also for its rich culinary tradition. In addition to delicious dishes, the region also offers a wide selection of local alcohols that are sure to delight any connoisseur.

To delve deeper into this topic, we conducted a survey among the region’s residents, asking them about their favorite local drinks. The survey results revealed the richness and diversity of flavors that characterize the alcohols of Julian Venice.


Spritz is a popular alcoholic beverage originating from Julian Venice. It is a refreshing cocktail that has gained popularity not only in Italy but also worldwide. Spritz is a light, sparkling drink that traditionally consists of prosecco, sparkling water, and a bitter liqueur, most often Aperol. It is usually served in a large wine glass with ice and a slice of orange. Spritz has a refreshing, slightly bitter taste that perfectly complements an aperitivo – the Italian tradition of serving snacks before the main meal. The history of Spritz dates back to the 19th century, when Julian Venice was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The name “Spritz” comes from the German word “spritzen,” which means to splash or to sprinkle. Austrian soldiers and officials stationed in the region had a habit of adding soda water to local wines to dilute them and make them lighter to drink. Over time, this tradition evolved, with prosecco and bitter liqueurs being added, leading to the creation of the modern Spritz. The most recognizable brand associated with Spritz is Aperol.

What do Italians recommend?

To better understand what Italians themselves recommend from the rich repertoire of alcohols in the Friuli region, we conducted a survey among local residents, allowing us to highlight one red and one white wine.

The most popular red wines of Julian Venice

According to a survey conducted among the local population, the most popular regional red wine worth recommending to tourists is Schioppettino. It received 2/3 of all votes. In second place was Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso with 1/3 of the votes. Pignolo and Terrano each received 1 vote

The best white wine

According to a survey conducted among the residents of Julian Venice, the most popular grape variety in the region is Ramandolo, which received 66.7% of the votes. The next most popular varieties are Ribolla Gialla and Verduzzo, each receiving 33.3% of the votes. Less popular were Picolit (16.7%) and Friulano (33.3%), while Vitovska did not receive any votes

Example wineries in the region

A survey among the residents of Friuli did not identify a clear favorite among wineries – everyone indicated a different place. This is great news because it means a variety of wine styles and unique wines.

The best time to consume alcohol

Italians most commonly consume alcohol in the evening hours. Most of them go to bars and osterias to spend time with friends and acquaintances